16 Men (Artist) Who Melt My Heart


1. PARK YOO CHUN@MICKY (TVXQ)-Unique individuality

2. KIM HYUN JOONG (SS501)-Subdued, calm and laid back

3. KWON JI YONG@G-DRAGON (BIG BANG)-Fashionable & trendy

4. CHO KYU HYUN (SUPER JUNIOR)-Infectious vocal

5. SO JI SUP-Silence




2. TAKESHI KANESHIRO-Melancholy type

3. NISHIKIDO RYO-Depression type

4. MIURA HARUMA-Adorable boy

5. JUNNOSUKE TAGUCHI-Smiling prince


1. JAY CHOU-Unique style

2. DANIEL WU-Sexy & enhanted eyes expression

3. KHALIL FONG-Talented

4. JAM HSIAO-Reserved & introvert personality

5. DANSON TANG-Eccentric & talk less


男男恋,也就是大家所说的GAY。 对于男男同性恋,人们的看法异人异议,有人觉得很恶心, 难以接受;有人歧视同性恋者;有人接受的了,只要不是发生在自己身上就好。

最近看了一部早前电影,是描述几个年轻少年男男恋的故事。 男女之间的浪漫爱情故事就看得多了, 男与男的就真的是很少。 电影里面,那伙子除了爱的对象是同性之外,其实他们爱的过程并没异于常人。他们懂得争取爱,为爱牺牲,爱得轰烈...和一般人没不同。从电影中, 我感觉到的是男男之间真挚的爱, 并没有一点恶心的感觉,反而又羡慕他们的爱。


说真的,如果以后不幸的,我的男友或丈夫变了心,我宁愿他爱的是男生也不想看到他和别的女人一起。很多人说,输给一个男人真的有够丢脸的,很不甘心, 我却不那么认为,你们一定觉得我很奇怪吧!哈哈,这确确实实是我的想法。

Countdowning+Story behind the decision

One more week to go, the day is near to the door, my breast is become more and more complicated. Excited? Worrying? Anxiety? Tension? Many things need to consider of, really pressured.

From the day I choose this way, I understand that it kinda a tough job for me. I'm not as lucky as others, get fully support from family (physical and mental). What my family can provide me only their mentally supports. I do every single thing independently, never depend on them since I already an adult, I should take my own responsibilities. Moreover, nothing much they can help me.

I ever feel regret after step on this way, I felt to go beyond my depth. But on the other hand, I don't want to make myself regretful, its kinda a contradiction. Now, everything was foregone conclusion, I need to step on my made decision, that's no way back.

Ba, Ma, Mun and Wai, thanks for see me as the best, thanks for being proud of me although you all didn't give me much but it was more than enough. I'll appreciate this chance and try my very best to achieve what i want.

A (H1N1) Effect

Our world can't stopped with all those disasters. 2002-SARS...2008 SzeChuan-earthquake...and the recent one 2009 A(H1N1)[happened same time with economic recession, it was worse as adding frost on the snow ( 雪上加霜).

This scarring disease was spread around the world, unfortunately our country was not precluded being one of the victim country. Everyone worrying, frightening, and helpless.

Less than 2 more weeks to go, I'll departs to UK for my further study. Before that, most people said this is a good chance to go and worth to go since the currency low. But the situation now is, A(H1N1) is severe in western country, is it still worth to go or take a risk?

I do considered this issue quite few times, I think most others did it as well, some parent might encourage not to go. Everything was settled and we are ready to go there since this is our aspiration, we don't want to giving up easily. What to do? Step forward? Or giving up?

Nobody willing to let this chance fly away, since efforts was pay out. What we can do is just step on, don't thinking of negativities, and don't regretting ourselves. Lets fight A(H1N1), fight for the desired result and fight for the future!


日前出席了我的偶像之一,来自泰国的组合-GOLF & MIKE在金河的《同班同学嘉年华会》,这是我第二次出席他们的宣传活动。

抵达现场时, 已有许多粉丝在恭候。事不宜迟, 马上找个好位子, 以便待会能从最好的角度看到他们。我在现场大概等了半个小时左右, 他们终于出现在台上, 帅气调皮GOLF和劲酷腼碘MIKE。他们比预先出场的时间迟了十五分钟, 这已是非常棒了, 蛮准时地说, 十五分钟算少了, 况且我曾有苦等六小时的经验(080329FTI, 那是不好的回忆, 苦等了六小时最后却失望伤心而归)。

这次也蛮到楣的, 节目已开始就下起雨来了, 真的天不作美啊! 搞到个个都得撑起雨伞, 就这样我的视线也被遮挡了, 害得我得左摄右摄的, 连照片也拍不到。算了吧,反正都很近距离的看到他们了, 专辑也都签了(想起那一次没签到的经历, 唉...)上一次他们来的时候因为MIKE病了所以没有唱歌, 这一次终于能亲眼看到他们的现场表演,蛮不错, 是有实力的(没有刻意辩护哦)

GOLF & MIKE是我喜欢的艺人之一(可能他们比较日韩系吧), 也是我众多偶像中最容易看到的(阿董啊,神起啊,BB,SJ...大韩的男人们,我什么时候才能看到你们呢?要近距离得哦)

说到追星, 我几乎每次都是独行的, 连看演唱会也不例外, 但是我一点也不觉得孤单, 自己喜欢就好, 无需有人陪。幸运的每次都会认识到志同道合的朋友, 也算是意外收获。

Get Tricked

Going back to 1 week ago...

I passed by LRT station, stopped by those promoters of communication operator which with BLUE color corporate color.They giving out the sim packs for free. I was no interest with it at all coz Im loyal to my current service provider. I entangled by them few times same place same people, their patience really geng.

After being entangling by them such many times, ok loh, just take it. I giving out my IC copy, contact, and leave my initial there. I took the sim pack and just keep it a side, I didn't use it at all, I just entertain them and don't want to be entangling anymore.

A week gone, the problem floated. I get trouble by those irresponsible promoter. I get a msg from my handpone service provider which content the acknowledgement about my request to move. OMG! I found that my no. moved under another service provider, my ori sim being invalid. Although the same no kept, but i don't want that. Finally i know I get tricked. Why they didn't explain clearly that time? Such a irresponsible attitude,angry-ing! Make me trouble and rushing here and there, call to customer service, went to service centre, whatever can do just to move it back. I only want to be my ori service provider user, once MAXIS, forever MAXIS. Im not saying that other provider not good, but that is my preference.

This experience such a unforgettable, I won't get persuaded anymore, entertain those promoters anymore.

Getting tired in a whole day just to settle this stuff, but it great that was also my lucky day as well. I get a reward this day, its really surprising me coz this is my first time. Although not such big reward but my heart being consolated enough.


A roomage with all my heart, my mind and my soul.

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